Powerlifters bag 19 medals Fed Cup, Deadlift Nationals

A 23-member Odisha squad bagged a total of 19 medals in the National Deadlift and Federation Cup Powerlifting Championships, which were held simultaneously at Jamshedpur from March 20 to 23. The medals included nine gold, four silver and six bronze.

Odisha powerlifters performed better in the deadlift national, securing a total of 17 medals, which included nine gold, three silver and five bronze. In the team championship, Odisha men finished second, while the men occupied the third position.

Top lifter Pradeep Kumar Patra, who grabbed the gold in senior 66kg weight category, was adjudged the best male lifter. Debi Singh, the gold medallist in sub-junior 52kg, was declared the third best woman lifter. But Odisha settled with just two medals in the Federation Cup.

Men: Gold:
Sumit Kumar Sahu, 66kg sub-junior (Lift effort: 190kg), Pradeep Kumar Patra, 66kg senior (LE: 270kg); Uma Charan Behera, 74kg Master-III (LE: 115kg); Kartikeswar Jena, 88kg Master-II (LE: 240kg). Silver: Basanta Melaka, 53kg junior (LE: 170kg); Bidyadhar Singh, 59kg sub-junior (LE: 195kg); Ashok Kumar Prasad, 120kg Master-1 (LE: 170kg). Bronze: L Bangari Naidu, 66kg Master-1 (LE: 100kg); G Shiva, 59kg junior (LE: 200kg); BTV Ramana Murty, 74kg Master-1 (LE: 190kg); Satyabrata Behera, 83kg junior (LE: 230kg); Ramesh Chandra Garada, 83kg Master-I (LE: 172.5kg).
Women: Gold: Draupadi Singh, 43kg sub-junior (LE: 105kg); Laxmi Singh, 47kg sub-junior (LE: 105kg); Debi Singh, 52kg sub-junior (LE: 137.5kg); Priyadarshini Bisoi, 63kg junior (LE: 105kg); Rita Maharana, +84kg junior (LE: 125kg).

Debi Singh, silver in 52kg women (Total lift 305kg); Priyadarshini Bisoi, bronze in 63kg women (Total lift 350kg).
